Some more news worth typing...holy crap. Justin (former MTM drummer) is opening an all ages venue in Saint Joe called The DoJo. This promises to bring a much needed revitalization to our stupid town. The Ramey Memo will be playing on March 31st.
1-31-05 *UPDATE*
Some news worth typing. After 2 years, KBS has parted ways. After much soul searching, Tyson, Raye and I (Garner) decided to part ways with KBS. How does this relate to MTM? Do I care? No you don't, but This relates to MTM because the 3 of us have started a new band called The Ramey Memo, and we are playing a few choice MTM songs. We just finished tracking a 12 song demo including a few MTM songs, a few Special Eds songs and a few brand new ones...and they sound fucking incredible. Resurrected from the dead are "God Damn Kids", "Get Your Own" and the Special Eds songs "Backdoor", "Sonic Radiation Dildo Warfare" and "Rock & Roll Star". Personally, I've been waiting 8 years to get these songs on tape in a professional manner and I can't believe how good they sound. I'm so happy to be breathing new life into these stupid songs...I forgot how much fun they were. I Hope you dig it.
The Ramey Memo
Well, After reuniting in Sept 2002, MTM has called it quits AGAIN. And who are we kidding, it's better this way. Thanks to everyone who was at our two shows and to KKJO for letting us take over the air waves for one night and for playing Midget (with a fish) every now and then. You can still download mp3's of Midget and two new songs we played live on KKJO. Or go here for a faster download. Or Visit our myspace.com page. Mp3.com got shut down, so I put most of our mp3's on these download sites, old and new, so enjoy...or hate
Justin is busy with his new band American Youth Report.
Garner is now playing in a band called The Koala Bear Syndrome. And you can download The Misconception songs and songs from The Time-latch Frame here
Sean still is working on getting equiptment for his death metal band Key Of Aggression
and Tyson is Dead or something...we have no idea. It's possible he was abducted by aliens...or mexicans. Which ever ones eat Tacos.
*UPDATE* Tyson has joined KBS as lead guitar person. He's been with KBS for...I don't know...a YEAR NOW. I never update this.
Oh and visit stjoebands.com For anything kick ass.